We’re here to help, so if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return Slumberpod Branded products for a refund within 30 days of the delivery date. Your refund amount will be the purchase price minus a 10% restocking fee. Please note that Route Shipping Insurance is Non-Refundable.
To help your return process go as quickly as possible, please follow these steps:
- Use the Contact Us form or email to let us know to expect your return. Please include your name, your order number, and the email address associated with the order along with details that will help us know why the item didn’t work out for you.
- Do not attempt to return a product without receiving a return authorization from SlumberPod and confirmation that your return request has been approved.
- We will arrange the return for you by sending you a pre-paid return label to attach to the package and take it to your post office. Whenever possible, please return SlumberPod or SlumberTot in the original shipping box or a similar size box if using our shipping label, as the shipping cost is based on the dimensions of the original shipping box.
- If SlumberPod approves your refund request, your refund, minus a 10% restocking fee will be processed and applied to your original method of payment as soon as possible after receipt of the returned item. Depending upon your credit card company, it may take up to an additional 10 business days after the credit is applied for the credit to appear on your credit card account.
- You will receive an email confirmation of receipt of the item along with verification of the refund being processed.
- As an alternative to the above, SlumberPod may refund your purchase price without requiring you to return the products at its discretion.
RETURN POLICY: PARTNER BRANDED PRODUCTS offers products for sale from select Partner Brands including Colugo. These Partner Branded products are sold by SlumberPod and shipped/fulfilled by the Partner Brand.
Partner Branded Products purchased on are not eligible for returns or exchanges. All sales are final.
If you receive a damaged item, please let us know within 48 hours of the delivery. Please email, with a photo of the damage along with your name, your order number, and the email address associated with the order. Depending on the damage, you may receive replacement parts, reimbursement of amounts to repair the damaged item, or a full replacement. We will walk you through the process and what to expect upon receipt of your email.